
Ginting was collared the first time in January 2014, when she had a newborn male calf that was named Chrisna. Ginting has been re-collared two times since then; in August 2015 and March 2018. Ginting and her family group are most likely closely related to the females of Anna and Mutiara’s herd. Since 2014, both families have spent much of their time together, often forming a larger clan that roams together.

For much of the monitoring period from October 2019 - March 2020, the families of Ginting, Indah and Mutiara moved together or very close to each other. When all groups joined, they formed a large clan of more than 60 elephants, that spread out over several hundred meters at times. Still in the southern farmland in October, all three herds moved north in November, crossing the WKS corridor road and entering PT ABT and PT LAJ concession areas, where they occasionally met with Freda’s and Cinta’s herds. The situation relaxed significantly once they moved north after intense conflicts on farmlands in the south. However, some conflicts continued to occur on illegal farms located within PT LAJ’s wildlife conservation area. Young bull elephant Nikolas frequently followed the herd around but kept a bit of a distance most of the time. 

The photos show Ginting and her herd as well as the Elephant Conservation and Monitoring Units closely monitoring the elephants and working with the local community to protect the elephants in the Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystem. 

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